Monday, May 20, 2013

Betrayal of Christ

Duccio Di Buoninsegna, Betrayal of Christ, tempera and gold leaf on wood,
1' 10 1/2" x 3' 4" ca 1309-1311
Duccio Di Buoninsegna (1278-1318) is from Siena. He was known for his ability to create masterful altarpieces.

"On the back of the Maestà,Duccio painted a religious drama in which the actors display a variety of individual emotions. Duccio here took a decisive step toward the humanization of religious subject matter."- Fred S. Kleiner

The Betrayal of Christ was originally painted for the Siena Cathedral, in Siena Italy. This piece of art depicts the betrayal of Christ. The painting is able to capture many of the events that took place on that dark night. It shows the kiss given to Christ by Judas as a sign to the guards, also it shows Peter cutting off the ear of one of the guards in attempt to protect Christ. It is interesting to notice that Christ along with the other apostles are represented with halos; however, both Judas and Peter do not have one. I feel this is so because Judas fell from apostleship with the betrayal, and it is believed that Peter sinned that same night when he denied the Christ thrice.

I chose this painting mainly for the story told. I feel that this is a wonderful representation of the night Christ was betrayed and i feel that this topic is vital to the Flow of my exhibit. I mean to tell a story and this painting helps me do so.

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