Sunday, May 19, 2013


  This project has proven to be very interesting. It was a good experience searching through images that I felt were most appropriate for my given topic "Jesus the Christ". There are many wonderful pieces of art that have been created overtime; however, what proved most difficult for me in my search was compiling sufficient information about the artist. I found that the further i went back in history searching for paintings, the 
information i was able to find. I feel that this is the case because art was a form of preserving history. Whereas in today's society we are so accustomed to seeing images each and every day.

  One aspect that i truly enjoyed in creating this exhibition was the story i was able to tell through the paintings. I understand now what a curator must think of as he/she creates an exhibition. In the beginning I thought it was as simple as compiling similar paintings; however, I have learned that one must have vision when something such as this is created. 

   Throughout this course I have been taught that art is everywhere. This theme was reiterated throughout this project as i learned  to be artistic even in the way i compiled art. I feel I was able to find pieces that highlight Christ's life. It was a good experience creating this project because it forced me to realize that even I can find joy in curating an art exhibit.

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