Monday, May 20, 2013


Giotto Di Bondone, Lamentation, Fresco, 6' 6 3/4" x 6' 6 3/4", ca. 1305
Giotto Di Bondone ( ca 1266-1337) was born of Florence. Giotto is considered to be the first renaissance painter.He was believed to be more of a naturalistic painter who abandoned the Byzantine style.

"In this fresco painted in several sections, Giotto used the diagonal slope of the rocky
landscape to direct the viewer’s attention toward the head of the sculpturesque figure
of the dead Christ."-Fred S. Kleiner

Located in the Arena Chapel in Padua, Italy, this painting is a representation of Christ's death. It tells of the lamenting that took place not only here on earth but also in the heavens. It was

This painting continues the story of Christ. I chose this painting because I feel it is a wonderful representation of Christ's grandeur, and shows that he truly was loved both on Earth and in Heaven.

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