Monday, May 20, 2013

The Birth of Christ

Carl Heinrich Bloch, The Birth of Christ, 38" x 34", oil on copper plate, ca 1876
Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890) was born in Copenhagen Denmark. Bloch, a student of the Royal Danish Academy of Art is most famous among the Christian world for his work depicting the life of Christ.

"Through your art you add a new step to your Jacob-ladder into immortality."- Carl Heinrich Bloch. He believed that through his art he could become immortal, and through his paintings of the Savior, he could also be in good standings with God.

In this painting it shows Christ in his humble beginnings. It is before the magi arrive, and the Shepards have arrived to pay respect to the King of Kings. Christ is the only source of light in the painting and i feel that this really is a good representation of Christ's purpose in his life.

I chose this painting because it really exemplifies humility. It is before the magi come laden with gifts; therefore, the beautiful simplicity of Christs simple birth can be enjoyed by all.

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