Monday, May 20, 2013


Rogier Van Der Weyden, Deposition, Oil on Wood, 7' 5 2/8" x 8' 7 1/8", ca. 1435
Rogier Van Der Weyden (1400-1464). He was known for his talent to depict scenes of intense emotion and action. Religious themes occupied the majority of his paintings.

"Deposition resembles a relief carving in which the biblical figures act out a drama of passionate sorrow as if on a shallow theatrical stage. The emotional impact of the painting is unforgettable."- Fred S. Kleiner

The original is located in Louvain Belgium. The artist depicted the people in this painting to show maximum movement. The fact that the people are painted close together adds to the idea of shared anguish do to the death of Christ.

This painting is a representation of thee crucifixion of Christ. I chose this painting because I feel it expresses such pure emotion. This detailed representation of Christ I feel adds perfectly to the emotional element I seek in this exhibit.

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