Monday, May 20, 2013

The Last Supper

Leonardo Davinci, The Last Supper, Tempera and oil on plaster, 13' 9" x 29' 10"
ca. 1495-1498
Leonardo Davinci Was born in a small town known as Vinci in Italy. Leonardo was one of the most brilliant minds to walk this earth. Not only did he paint some of the greatest masterpieces known today, he also had an unquenchable curiosity in math, sciences, botany, zoology, and much much more.

"Christ has just announced that one of his disciples will betray him, and each one reacts. Christ is both the psychological focus of Leonardo’s fresco and the focal point of all the converging perspective lines."- Fred S. Kleiner

This mural was done for the rectory in the convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan Italy. The mural covers an entire wall in the rectory. The mural is a representation of the last supper where Christ introduced the sacrament to his disciples just before he went to suffer in the garden of Gethsemane. Unfortunately the mural is in bad condition due to the experimental materials used  in its creation.

I chose the last supper because it was one of the last major teaching opportunities Christ had with his disciples before his crucifixion. I feel that this piece is a nice segway into the pieces that follow.

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