Monday, May 20, 2013

The Annunciation

Simone Martini, Annunciation, tempera and gold leaf on wood, 10' 1" x 8' 8 3/4" ca. 1333
Simone Martini (1285-1344) was a Sienese artist who studied under the artist Ducci. He was very influential in the creation of the art style known as the International style which was very popular during the 14th and 15th centuries.

"A pupil of Duccio, Martini was instrumental in the creation of the International Style. Its
hallmarks are elegant shapes, radiant color, flowing line, and weightless figures in golden,
spaceless settings." Fred S. Kleiner

This piece was the altar centerpiece in the Siena Cathedral, in Siena, Italy. It is a representation of when the angel Gabriel appeared to the virgin Mary to announce that she would have a child. The golden colors and the fine robe that Mary is wearing is a representation that she is the queen of heaven.

I chose this painting because it is where the story begins here on this earth. The visitation by the angel Gabriel to the pure Mary I feel is the perfect way to begin my exhibit about the life of Jesus the Christ.

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